Things You Should Know Before Dating With A Unicorn

unicorn womanUnicorns though rare, exist. Unicorn dating sites have made it a little easy for couples looking for a unicorn but it still requires a long, tedious search to find the perfect match. A unicorn is the simplest term refers to something rare or even impossible to find. In the context of a relation, a unicorn is a third party, often a bisexual woman willing to join a pre-existing heterosexual marriage as a third sexual component.

The unicorn only joins the couple to fulfill their sexual fantasies and does not present any threat of emotional burden or infidelity to the husband or wife. If looking forward to such an arrangement it is important to familiarize with a few points about a unicorn woman: She Has Boundaries too

She Appreciates Communication

Most unicorns are exploring their sexual fantasies while expanding their boundaries. As such, it is essential for couples and the unicorn to talk about their expectations from the arrangement. Are you looking for a connection or a no-strings-attached sex?

Also, how do you want to relate outside the sexual experience. The couple should be ready to communicate their physical and emotional needs with the unicorn to gain clarity of their expectations. It also helps eliminate potential misunderstandings.

Overly Protective Couples are a Turn Offs

Some couples come off as overly protective. It is easy to identify them right from the first time you meet. They often hold hands possessively throughout the date or talk a lot about each other. Some unicorns are put off by such behavior as the couple is only out to satisfy their fantasies. Their protective nature puts up a force around each other; one she may find difficult to penetrate.

She is Fulfilling Her Fantasies Too

When she joins a couple in the bedroom, she is joining two people who are honest and open about their sex life. They know what they and their partner wants. It does not mean the third party doesn’t have needs too. A unicorn’s needs and desires are being fulfilled too. As such, while the unicorn may be fulfilling the couple’s fantasy she is also exploring and fulfilling hers too; unless she agrees to be an accessory in the arrangement.

The Triad Has to be Attracted to Each Other

The couple needs to be attracted to the unicorn. In some instances, the man in the couple may be attracted to a male unicorn while the woman wants to explore other men. All such expectations need to be communicated before engaging in any sexual activity. It is difficult to have a triad if a member of the group is not physically attracted to one party.

She is also inquisitive

A unicorn values openness. Thus, she wants to know as much information about the couple too. If the couple acts vague when it’s her turn to ask questions, she may turn you down. It shows the couple does not plan on having the arrangement for a long time.

She Does Not Want to Rush into Bed

She understands that sharing intimate information with people she has just met can be intimidating. As such, she will give you time to feel comfortable communicating all such information with her. Also, she does not want to feel rushed. If either party is having second thoughts she may hold off the arrangement altogether.